Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a popular Christmas story about one of Santa Claus's reindeers who has an unusually red-colored nose that gives out its own light, powerful enough to illuminate the path through inclement weather. In the original story, Rudolph became famous when Santa landed his sleigh at Rudolph's home to deliver gifts. By the time Santa had finished delivering presents in the area, the fog had become dense, making it impossible for Santa to travel safely. With children all over the world expecting him to visit and leave presents, Santa had a dilemma – he couldn't see in the fog but if he did not deliver the presents he would disappoint children all over the world. At that moment Santa noticed Rudolph with his shiny red nose and asked him to lead his sleigh. Rudolph agreed and Santa was able to make his deliveries. And this is how Rudolph went down in history.
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1 comment:
How did you like the song and the video? Let's see if you understood everything. What do the following words and expressions mean?
- shiny
- to glow
- to call somebody names
- glee
- to go down in history
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